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With financial support from the Fundamental Rights and Citizenship Programme of the European Union

Fondi Otto per Mille della Chiesa Evangelica Valdese

With financial support by Society Integration Foundation (SIF)


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That’s the story of a boy who lost his identity during the travel from Tunis to Italy. He escapes from prison because of the Arab spring and faces the violence of the army. He feels like a coward because he had to escape. This is why he decides to follow the advice of the mother and leave the country to reach Italy. He arrives in Lampedusa. Then he asks for international protection and he is transferred to Marsala. He has a great attachment to his land and decides to ask for passport, but the embassy refuses. Even the commission for international protection goes bad. Finally he decides to commit suicide, because only through his sacrifice he can help all the others to have justice.


 I was born in 1976 and I graduated on Fine Arts. I worked as tourist officer and in a call center until the burst of the Arab Spring that forced me to leave the country. At the moment, I live in Italy waiting for a brighter future.

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14 January 2011, prison of Thina, Sfax

1. The Tunisian president  has escaped

2. There are revolutions in all prisons, 60 people died asphyxiated in Monastir and 26 suppressed by police forces in Mahdia prison

3. Go to hell! / We have to break through the doors / Go back to your cells, you are all shot by surveillance cameras

4. We can reach the main door through the clinic center…follow me!

5. We need something to open police’s car…to break through the main door of the prison…let’s take everything we need!


Page 2

1. You are really in a bad shape…can you walk?

2. No fire!! Gang of criminals!!!!! / Go back all inside!!!!!!

3. Let’s accelerate, break through the door!!!!

4. Go back inside immediately, give up!!

5. You are escaping like a coward / What can I do against an army? / Stop! Don’t move or I open fire!!


Page 3

1. I’m sorry, I’ve just escaped from prison and I’m without money. If you bring me to my sister’s house, I’ll pay you… / Ok…get in!

2. She was living here two years ago…where is she now? / I’m sorry…I have to go back to work, you can continue by foot, maybe you will find a ride…look out for police… they are everywhere…good luck!

3. It’s almost night!…nobody stops…what can I do?…here…someone stops finally…


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1. Mum please don’t cry…I’m free now…

2. …You must surrender! You can have a reduction of your penalty… / I will never surrender…dad

3. My son…It’s better if you go to Italy


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23 March 2011, Italy

1. Look! That’s Lampedusa…we are save! / We need two hours more to arrive

2. We are exhausted, hungry,  and we have no cigarettes anymore /  …Do I look like a tobacconist? You will have everything at the welcoming center!

3. SPRAR Marsala / …passport, permission of stay


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November 2012, Palermo

1. Please, I beg you, I need my passport / No!… you must surrender and serve the term of imprisonment in Tunis

2. Commission of Trapani for the recognition of refugees / …negative result! / He was in prison before

3. If I were you I would fire myself …as Tunisian Boazizi has done /…good idea! I haven’t anything to lose anymore… / Shut up!

4. Now I fire myself…see you to hell! / He is crazy

